The UKODTRN Executive Committee provide the leadership, management and coordination of our various workstreams, whilst our Board oversees the strategy and direction of the network.
UKODTRN Co-Director | Consultant Nephrologist and Transplant Physician, University Hospitals Birmingham
UKODTRN Co-Director and PPIE Lead | Liver Transplant recipient
Consultant Renal Transplant and Vascular Access Surgeon, Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, Glasgow | Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer, University of Glasgow
Consultant & Senior Clinical Lecturer in Critical Care & Anaesthesia, Manchester Royal Infirmary | Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer, University of Manchester
Consultant Nephrologist and Transplant Physician at St James' University Hospital, part of the Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust.
Professor of Respiratory Transplant Medicine, Newcastle University
Consultant Nephrologist, Cardiff | Honorary Senior Lecturer, Cardiff University
Assistant Director - Statistics & Clinical Research, NHS Blood and Transplant
Scientific Programme Lead in OTDT NHS Blood and Transplant | Honorary Research Associate in Transplant Science, Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences University of Oxford
Nephrology Registrar, Glasgow | Clinical Research Fellow, University of Oxford
Executive Director of Research and Policy, Kidney Research UK
Director of Programmes, Kidney Research UK
Consultant HPB & Liver Transplant Surgeon, Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust
Professor of Clinical and Experimental Transplantation, University of Cambridge
Lung Transplant Physician at Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals, part of Guy’s and St Thomas’s NHS Foundation Trust & MRC CARP Fellow, Imperial College & The Francis Crick Institute, London
Royal Free London NHS Trust
MRC Clinical Research Fellow and General Surgery Registrar, Newcastle University | Herrick Society representative
Consultant Nephrologist, Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Professor of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Newcastle University
Professor of Transplantation, Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences, University of Oxford
President, UK Kidney Association | Consultant Physiotherapist and Topol Digital Fellow, King's College Hospital | Honorary Reader in Exercise and Lifestyle Medicine, Renal Sciences, King's College London
National Lead for Innovation & Research in Organ Donation, NHSBT | Consultant & Hon. Associate Professor of Intensive Care Medicine, University of Nottingham
Senior Clinical Research Fellow | Honorary Consultant Transplant Surgeon, Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences, University of Oxford
Consultant Hepatobiliary and Transplant Surgeon, Institute of Transplantation, Newcastle NHS Foundation Trust
President, British Transplantation Society | Consultant Liver Transplant and Hepatopancreatobiliary Surgeon, King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Professor of Transplant Biology, Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences, University of Oxford
Professor of Health Equity and Inclusion, Aston University